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Thursday, September 24, 2015

A Lesson about Kittens

I have recently learned a valuable lesson, one which I wish I had discovered earlier in my life. What is it, you ask? Don't get too attached to things which will ultimately disappear. Youth, memories, life, all good candidates. But not today. Today my loss is kittens, three-month-old kittens that are cuter than anything you can imagine.
Seven kittens whose mother is a Calico, given to me by a neighbor who departed soon after. The father is a transient (that's putting it nicely). He came, he saw, he conquered, and I witnessed the whole sordid affair.
Since I already care for six adult cats (five feral), two opossums, and two skunks, adding seven kittens was out of the question. So, against my heartfelt feelings, they are now in the Harrison County Animal Control Shelter. Their pictures are posted on the shelter website, so I can keep an eye on them. But it isn't the same thing, not even by a long shot.
I think of them everyday. I miss them everyday. I keep hoping for a miracle, but miracles are not part of my existence. So I am learning emotional self-control and now to handle self-loneliness (is that a word?). My prayer is not for me, however. I am praying that the seven little jewels will find a good home and live to a ripe old age. Am I being selfish? You bet I am. But that won't get my kittens back. Nothing will..Doc

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Dodger Blue

I have been a Dodger fan since 1955. The reason I chose the Brooklyn Dodgers was because 1955 was the year they won their first World Series by defeating the New York Yankees (my dad's favorite team). I reasoned that if I was going to have a favorite team, why not choose the world champions? So I did, and I have been a loyal Dodger fan ever since. I love Dodger Blue. I also chose my favorite player that same year. I fell in love with Duke Snider. I worshipped the Duke of Flatbush, and I still do. My two goals in life are to see a Dodger game in LA and eat a Dodger Dog, and second to own a Duke Snider Rookie Card (very expensive). I doubt I'll ever get either one, let alone both, but I can dream can't I? The Boys of Summer in the Days of My Youth. Go Dodgers!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Tribute to Katies's Kat

                                                                      Bubby the Cat
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Happy Birthday Mom

              I think of you everyday. Life was a lot simpler when you were here. I miss you.

Apple of My Eye

Adelyn Rose Kissel...The Apple of My Eye.  Isn't she the most beautiful baby you've ever seen (no, really). Congratulations to her parents Drs. Brian and Sarah Kissel. Great job kids.