In Shakespeare's "The Tempest," the character Caliban is described as a "savage and deformed slave." But, Caliban also has a softer side, one capable of uttering some of the most beautiful lines in the play. Feeling connected to Caliban, I would like to be among the Calibans of the world. As Caliban said: "Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises,/Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not."
Friday, March 21, 2014
Post Preview
Many of the posts that follow were written in 2004-2005 but are just now getting published. It's like President Bill Clinton who released reams of never-before-seen papers. Some things must age before they're ready for public scrutiny. I hope these are...M.
Third Time's a Charm

Sarah and I somewhere in Maine. What a great state---Maine. Oh, to be there right now....later...doc

You Think I'd Learn
When it rains, it pours. (Sorry for my triteness. It's still early.) I waited for the right moment last night to post my first composition. It was beautifully layed out and all I needed was the time and the computer. So I typed and typed and typed. It was finished. Done. And it was wonderful. And it didn't save. Geeze. You think I'd learn. (I once typed 12 pages and lost every bit of it). At any rate, this entry is not nearly as poetic but I had to do something. Thanks for viewing (are you out there?). To be continued.....
Hanging in There
I used to think that I had everything under control. That was before I started Blogging. Actually, it's not the blogging that gets me. It's the apparatus used to make my musings available to the world (I'm sure it is waiting with baited breath). My computer and I have been best friends, even confidantes, until recently. Now it seems we are in the midst of a lover's quarrel. I, for the life of me, cannot figure out how to add a "comments" section to this site. I know the instructions are as plain as the nose on my face. But I have a small, turned-up nose, so that doesn't go very far. I have even gone to the higher echelons, but I think they have thrown up their hands (or just thrown up) in despair. But I'm not a quitter. I will show this beast who is the superior intellect here. If you are curious as to the outcome of this conflict, stay tuned. As usual, there is More to Come..........M
(My email address:
(My email address:
Ok, that's it. Uncle! I have type today's musings three times and each time I have posted and lost. I know I am no wiz at this stuff, but I thought it was idiot-proof. Wrong. I'm not sure the mental duress is worth the necessity of writing to the world. I'll have to get back to you on that one. So for now, DrCaliban is signing off, perhaps never to return (at least not in this nom de plume). To Be Continued...(?) M
I Quit
I guess I am a glutton for cruel and unusual punishment. I said yesterday that i "Quit." And the next thing you know, here I am again, just blogging my little heart out. I hate giving up on something. I secretly am hoping someone who can help me will read this and get with me (fat chance). Oh, well, c'est la vie. To Be Continued...M
Return from La-La Land
To all my fans out there in lala land: I must apologize to you for my long absence. Unfortunately, the well has run dry, and it's hard to be charming, witty, and creative when you're dry as a bone (pardon the cliche, but like I said...). Not to fear, however. I am working on a new plan to regain the wonderful versatility that you have come to love and expect. So for just a short time longer, keep your chins high and your spirits likewise. I shall return, just like the county fair--bigger and better. Toodles.....doc
Ain't It the Truth
As Woody Harrelson so aptly put it: "Sometimes a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." No truer words were ever spoken....doc
Eva Cassidy
If you haven't been introduced to the music of Eva Cassidy, then you are missing one of the finer things of life. Try Songbird to begin with. If you are not hooked after ten notes, I will pay for the CD. After fighting life all day, she is able to mellow me out in the evening and send me off to sleep with a pleasant thought or two (and belive me, they are few and far between). Let me know what you think. My email address is: To be continued.....doc
Just Like the County Fair
Wow, has this been some kind of ride or what! I sure hope that absence has made the heart grow fonder. I am back--bigger and better than you ever thought possible. Now if I can just come up with some really clever stuff to write about, I might even make Blog Site of the Week status. Ciao--Doc
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