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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Palin and Hong Kong

Well, it's over. The speech everyone wanted to see and hear has been delivered. I know I would have loved to have been there. But I guess I will have to take transcripts of the speech. And from what I hear, it was dynamite, knocking everyone, even the ner-do-wells and skeptics right off their cans. People, you better believe why there is still time to get on board. She is the real thing. If you don't believe me, just wait a while. I am always right about things like this. This time is no different. Ciao....Es

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thinking of Neda

Tonight I am feeling very sad. I am mourning the death of a young girl that I never even heard of three days ago. I am talking about Neda, the 27 year old who was killed by police in the fury of the Tehran uprising.
It's not that she was killed uselessly, which is obvious, but that she went out that day to voice her opinion, her God given right, and she was killed for her efforts. She never dreamed that she would die that day. The look on her face as she list there in the Tehran street is something I will be a long time forgetting.
I feel sorry for all the Nadas of the world who only want a better life, but instead meet an early death. On the other hand I am grateful for Nada and the example she set. She did what we all should do: stand up for what we believe, whether it be in Iran or Main Street. Good job, Neda. I honor you and your compatriots. Rest easy after a job well done.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thoughts on "Grey Matters"

I don't care what anyone says. I think "Grey Matters" is a great movie. Heather Graham is terrific in her role as a young woman "coming out." A definite thumbs up....M

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mission Accomplished

Deb and i just returned from Chicago where Sarah got her "White Coat." We were very proud parents to say the least. We also got to see Matt and his intended. All in all, a good trip (except for the six hour drive.)
Yesterday at 9:23pm · Comment

AT Hikes in New Hampshire and Maine pictures from hiking & backpacking photos on webshots

AT Hikes in New Hampshire and Maine pictures from hiking & backpacking photos on webshots

Friday, April 03, 2009

Dark Day for America

Today, April 2, 2009, is a dark day for America. The passing of the budget this evening will, I believe, turn against us someday. I hope the American people are ready for tougher times than we already have. May God have mercy on us all....Doc