In Shakespeare's "The Tempest," the character Caliban is described as a "savage and deformed slave." But, Caliban also has a softer side, one capable of uttering some of the most beautiful lines in the play. Feeling connected to Caliban, I would like to be among the Calibans of the world. As Caliban said: "Be not afeard, the isle is full of noises,/Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not."
Friday, August 12, 2005
This is the first summer in 30 years that I have not hiked on the Appalachian Trail. The reasons are numerous. The main reason is that my hiking buddies have given up on me. Now that I have gotten older, I am a lot slower and am unable to keep up with these dynamos. So I guess I need to rethink this issue. Perhaps find a partner who hikes at the same pace as I do (assuming someone that slow exists). At any rate, I will return to the trail next summer even if I have to go by myself. In fact, that is probably the safest mode of travel these days. But I do miss my hiking buddies of 29 years. I hiked as fast as I could. Honest. ---Later....doc
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Father's Day
One nice thing about a blog like this is that since no one reads it, I can say pretty much whatever I want and won't have to worry about any repercusions. Tomorrow is Father's Day. Normally, it would be a happy time for me. One of my few pleasures in life is having all my kids together at one time. However, this year will be different. I was just informed that no one will be here tomorrow because everyone is feuding and I seem to be caught in the middle. I was also informed that in August my wife will be moving out to get a chance to "sort things out." So, I guess the only Father's Day for me will be going to the cemetery and wishing my own father a happy Father's Day. I guess that's better than celebrating my own anyway. To all you fathers out there, may your day be a great one. Enjoy it to the max. Later.....Doc
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
I should be in bed right now. It is almost 1 o'clock am and I must be up by 6:00. I am also under the influence of sleeping pills which are screaming at me to go to sleep. If I had someone here to listen to me, I would probably spill my guts. Thank God I'm alone. At any rate, my apologies to those who haven't made it into the Wednesday at Eric's site yet. I am sure there are very good reasons and I should not be so presumptuous as to judge their motives. We miss you and will be willing to help at any point in the process. Just ask, please. Now that I have that off my chest, I can retire gracefully. So Good night sweet prince. And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest. Nite all.....later....doc
Monday, June 13, 2005
1st Day of School
Do you remember the night before the first day of school? I not only remember those days, I am still living them out in actuality. It's after 3am and I am wide awake. It would sure be nice either to have someone to talk to or else to be in Maine all by my lonesome. I'll be fine as long as I can keep my little charges behind closed doors doing "teaching" stuff. The problem comes when I have to go out into the real world and deal with things that have to be dealt with. This always was the problem, and was mostly responsible for my retiring from the public schools. But apparently I can't get away from it. So I sit here all atwitter, butterflies in stomach, and a very real sense of dread about me. It won't be long now. Let's get on with it, ok? I'll get back to you tomorrow and fill you in on all the gory details, if there are any. Until then.....later....doc
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Off to Group
Well, I'm off to group once again. As usual, I have nothing to talk about. Actually, that's not totally true. I do have things to talk about but it's sometimes difficult to do that with other people, even with people who are my good friends. We'll see what happens. Also, I hope the blog site makes it this time. But I doubt it. More later...doc
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Sunday, June 05, 2005
Katie's 18th
Tomorrow is my baby's 18th birthday. She is much more excited about it than I am. I mean, I'm glad that she is growing up, but I'm sad because in one more year she will leave the nest, which will make it an empty one. Since there is nothing I can do about it, I will just try to relax and relish in her wonderfulness for the next year. Happy Birthday Katie.

Wednesday, May 25, 2005
My Best Friends
It's times like this that make me wish I had a good friend to tell my troubles to. My pills are my best friends as they make me forget and thrust me into a new world where I don't have to play such a central role. But the sun will rise tomorrow so I think I will hang around and see if it is any different. One can hope, can't one?.....Later...Doc

Thursday, April 07, 2005
My father died last Sunday evening. We buried him yesterday. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I love him very much. I will miss him greatly.
Friday, April 01, 2005
Anderson's Ancestor?
I have been trying to find out who Anderson Cooper's mother is. Not that it's very important to me, but it's a matter of winning a bet, and I will do most anything to win. So if any of my fans out there know the answer, well, you know what to do......Thanks in advance...Doc
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